Friday, December 12, 2014

Just a Bit of Business

Hey so I just wanted to just let you guys know a few things about myself before I really start posting news and such. I wanted to do this because I wanted to give you guys a better understanding of what I will be posting and what I will not post about.

First, at the moment I will blog at least once a day so you know that I'm not dead, Ha, but in all seriousness I wanted to keep you guys in the know about any news or update that any company or franchise might throw at us.

Second, for a post I will write it will either be about anime, manga, movies/TV/music news [american or foreign], and any updates on basic news. and so everything is clear, the only opinions that I will say on this blog will be related to anime,manga or movies. I will not give my opinions about anything recent events in history or such.

Third, ok last one, I have many ideas about what I would be posting and realized that some are going to basically be the same thing. what I normally will write or post will be basic news, top ten lists, reviews of shows,movies and books, recommendations, and any other updates regarding the blog and/or myself. so hopefully when you check there is a new thing everyday.

So I hope that my blog can help all you wondering minds out there get some knowledge on things that you enjoy, things you love. So I think that's all for now, if there is some concerns or even questions you have don't be afraid to leave an comment and I'll answer them the best I can.


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