Wednesday, December 17, 2014

We're on other sites!

hey everybody so if your enjoying my blog right here on, why not check out my other accounts on Deviantart, Crunchyroll and Twitter! Check out the links to the right of this post


Friday, December 12, 2014

Just a Bit of Business

Hey so I just wanted to just let you guys know a few things about myself before I really start posting news and such. I wanted to do this because I wanted to give you guys a better understanding of what I will be posting and what I will not post about.

First, at the moment I will blog at least once a day so you know that I'm not dead, Ha, but in all seriousness I wanted to keep you guys in the know about any news or update that any company or franchise might throw at us.

Second, for a post I will write it will either be about anime, manga, movies/TV/music news [american or foreign], and any updates on basic news. and so everything is clear, the only opinions that I will say on this blog will be related to anime,manga or movies. I will not give my opinions about anything recent events in history or such.

Third, ok last one, I have many ideas about what I would be posting and realized that some are going to basically be the same thing. what I normally will write or post will be basic news, top ten lists, reviews of shows,movies and books, recommendations, and any other updates regarding the blog and/or myself. so hopefully when you check there is a new thing everyday.

So I hope that my blog can help all you wondering minds out there get some knowledge on things that you enjoy, things you love. So I think that's all for now, if there is some concerns or even questions you have don't be afraid to leave an comment and I'll answer them the best I can.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Hello everyone, 

So I am completely new [ok maybe not completely new] but "new" to the blogging world. For a bit of background I did start a small blogging thing on Deviantart and I decided to move on over to here to Blogger and to my own page.

But let me all start off with telling you guys why I did this. I wanted to help you guys out. Share the news, updates and [hopefully] everything on Anime, Manga and really any news that would help share knowledge to you guys.

I may be slow in my posts but I will surely post more soon and hopefully help you guys get the knowledge that you want


Thursday, December 4, 2014

                 Welcome to he blog where you can find anything                                    and everything in the Anime World!